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Oregon Logo-01.jpg


One. Last. Summer. One last chance to make up for all the time lost. One last adventure before everything changes...


With the dawn of the COVID-19 pandemic came the curtain close of my high school career. And with this curtain close came an idea. A film following three best friends who decide to take a road trip across the country in one summer to make up for all their lost time when COVID-19 cut their senior year early. Equipped with only their bags, a 50-year-old Volkswagen and themselves: Claire Carpenter, Nathan Woods, and Zach Bates make one last memory before it's finally time to graduate, and life changes forever. 




This is a project that I cherish and resonate with deeply, as I was able to explore two of my biggest passions in life: graphic design and storytelling. After crafting the full screenplay I took a deep dive into designing every aspect of the possible film I could to see my vision come to life. 


The poster takes a head-first dive into the story, nodding to the audience that this is a story of exploration and discovery of self. The groups' destination stands clear as day, in black ink, but it's not about the destination, but the journey. The sun has already begun to set on this chapter of their lives from the moment they stepped into the unknown. What stands between them in this vast unknown from where their humble beginnings in Indiana to where they may end: Seaside, OR. 



Oregon is an exploration of character and self just as much as it is an exploration of journey and destination. Each character has set out on this trip for their own unique reason. They all stand lost and confused as the world is beginning to widen for them and they don't know where they fit in. It is a journey we all go through at some point, and it is a journey that we all can relate to. It is familiar yet still gives a unique spin on the typical coming of age story that we have seen crafted before.


The world of the pandemic is still a strange and unknown 'sandbox' to explore in storytelling and fiction. The game has changed now that we have gone through a pandemic ourselves, which makes a film like this an extremely personal experience that calls back to our own memory of the pandemic and how it has shaped our lives.





Oregon Map-01.jpg

Much of the promotional art for this project would be surrounding their journey, such as this map. The map details the route of the groups' journey across the United States from beginning to end. This poster would be a free add-on for those who would come to the movie on opening day.


The map calls back to the main movie poster with the same visual style, which ties the two together and pulls it back to show the bigger picture and the full span of the distance this group must travel to reach their destination.

Concept Art

Concept Art

So is this how it ends? The end had come as quickly as it had begun. But what of it? What are we left with before our lives begin anew once again? What have we taken away before we start the next chapter?  What will remain, and what will change?


These are questions we ask ourselves as we enter our next chapters, and the same could be said for the characters of Oregon as summer eventually comes to its inevitable close. There was much that was learned and much to look back on.


This is the idea of the concept art for this film. Looking through the lens of the characters, my goal is to detail notable scenes of great importance to both the characters and the narrative itself. The art is meant to be whimsical and dream-like, just as if you or the characters were looking back on a distant memory.

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