The Seek ADVNTR project is the project dearest to my heart as it involves a special interest of mind: which is the American national parks. Seek ADVNTR is a lifestyle brand whose goal is to get people back outside, be more connected with nature, and encourage people to be more present in the current moment, rather than simply experiencing life through the screen of your phone. Their mission is to inspire people to finally experience what has been around them all along.
To create a center of focus for the project I centered it around our American national parks, as they are well known and offer a diverse array of ecosystems, landscapes, and experiences to travelers from around the world.
To begin the project I began with what would end up being one of the main faces of the brand: the logo. Its free-flowing ligatures represent a feeling of freedom and movement, and could visually be represented as a system of winding trails or a path, it is said that not all trails are on a straight and sturdy path. I wanted to be unique and stray away from the typical rustic logos of other brands that took their own spin on a national park brand by creating a logo that feels modern and contemporary but calls back to rustic vibes. Rather than simply using the full word ADVENTURE, I shortened the term to ADVNTR, making it stand out from other brands and leaving a longer-lasting mark in our consumer's brains.
National Parks

One of the main parts of this project involved the illustration of the national parks, which would ultimately be the main sellers of the brand. I decided that creating these national parks as emblems rather than broader illustrations allowed me to stand out from other popular national park-related brands.
Contained in each emblem is a close look at the specified national park, capturing the unique essence of each national park including local flora, fauna, and geological features. While crafting each park, detailed research was undergone by me to both further inspire the art and be as accurate to the specified park as I can.
For each of these parks, I followed my journey by creating a TikTok series.
This part of the project is constantly expanding as I create more national park designs. My goal is to eventually create emblems for all 63 American National Parks.

Customers enjoy it when they receive hand-crafted packaging rather than. Rather than feeling as if an employee carelessly threw their product into a box, envelope or mailer, the customized packaging feels as if time and care were put into boxing up the customer's product.
Each of these customized mailing pieces is handcrafted from recycled materials, as part of the ADVNTR Wisely Initiative. I felt that since Seek ADVNTR's brand was centered around nature, it was necessary for the brand to stress environmentalism and environmental mindfulness as part of its identity. As part of this initiative, all of Seek ADVNTR's mailing pieces are completely recyclable.
Logo Applications
National Park Applications
Rather than creating large posters for each national park, I decided that the best direction to move forward with the park emblems was to turn them into smaller, more easily obtainable products such as shirts and stickers. My strategy behind choosing these smaller "impulse items" go back to grocery stores and the candy sections right by the registers.
Rather than spending $40+ on a poster and frame to hang up in a room in their house, someone is more likely to purchase something smaller that they can take with them anywhere, such as a sticker or a shirt. The emblem is much more than a decoration, it serves as a mobile memory that can be used to reminisce, relive or anticipate their adventures.
Some of these products can actually be purchased on my Redbubble!
Enamel Pins

Enamel Pins are another great product to provide, as they help stretch the educational opportunities of Seek ADVNTR's brand. Not only does the brand strive for environmentalism and to create a more present generation, but I felt that it has an unsung duty to educate its consumers about the spaces that they inhabit and the things that live inside them.
I decided it was better to educate indirectly, as many would not read a page of information on the specific topic of the pin. Rather than reading, I felt that it was important to encourage consumers to go out and find these things in nature and observe them for themselves. This is but a small idea in the vast sea of possibilities Seek ADVNTR has to educate its consumers.
ADVNTR Wisely Initiative

I created the ADVNTR Wisely initiative as a support to the brand's core messages it strives to achieve. It is important to keep not only our parks clean but our planet so that future generations will experience what we have been blessed with. By creating clear messages about the importance of this idea and encouraging better environmental practices, Seek ADVNTR has the ability to make a difference in not only the mind of hikers and travelers in our parks but the world.
As part of this initiative, all packaging would be recyclable, and many of its products will be made to be reused, such as the reusable bags above. I felt that if we gave consumers the opportunity to do good for the environment, it could help encourage these better environmental practices to be put into action. But it is not only the consumer's job to do good for the environment, it is the brand's duty as well. It is important for Seek ADVNTR to also lower its environmental footprint in its own manufacturing plants and stores (if they were real).
Wandering Moments

Another core message of Seek ADVNTR's brand is that it encourages people to go out and explore, play and experience the world and truly be in the moment and be present in our own lives. The Wandering Moments Campaign is a series of artworks that call to our presence in a single moment. What can we miss in a single moment? What beauty resides in the presence of a single moment in time? What can we feel and what can we learn? I felt that these were important questions to answer in a world that has become more digital.
These pieces would be purchasable as stickers, each one serving as a reminder of what you can discover in a single moment in time and the magic of disconnecting even for an hour.
These are lessons that I feel all of us need to learn and act on. We only live one life, and there is so much of the world to see, so what are we waiting for? ADVNTR awaits.
The Seek ADVNTR Project is a continually growing project and an ongoing series of work.